十 六 ; shí liù

Feb 20, 2011 13:57

I should like to assure all those who wonder that the contents of the text over my head do not in any way reflect my thoughts, despite appearance to the contrary. Poor diction aside, I cannot imagine why I should invest so much though in wondering what color of hat would best suit each man or woman I meet; nor do I actually mean to set anyone on fire, in case someone sees any reason to credit that accusation.

My utmost apologies for the inevitable distraction.

-- 火

c: evil!fred, sekritly lol'ing as we speak, event: february mixnmatch, hats for everyone, c: above, fire is not a metaphor, c: hawk, c: evil!ben, c: youth, social graces, event: subtitles mistranslation, c: krile, but is it on fire yet?

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