Resolution of the 7th European Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians and the 4th World Congress

Apr 21, 2011 13:36

On March 26, took place joint (World and European) Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians in the online mode on the Internet. It was second congress that took place online. Sixty-seven delegates attended it. There were present delegates from: Ukraine, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia, Latvia, and USA. All participants had previously received the draft documents of the Congress. Comments and suggestions were processed and included in the final resolution. As a result of the Congress, voting took place in an online mode, and adopted

Resolution of the 7th European Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians and the 4th World Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians

1. One of the main problems of the Ruthenian nation in Ukraine in tough conditions of 19-year ethnocide is lack of recognition of legal rights and freedoms of Subcarpathian Ruthenians by Ukraine; discrimination, judicial repressions, planned displacement of the most of working population of Transcarpathia - Carpathian Ruthenia by the Ukrainian authorities - from their own Ruthenian land and sovereign country.
- Refusal of recognition of the Ruthenian people, their national territory, sovereign rights and international status, acquired by them since 1919;
- A clear threat to human health and life of Ruthenians living at home with a low standard of living, and Ruthenians working abroad in demeaning, difficult and dangerous, almost slave-like conditions;
- Clearly pre-planned crisis of thousands of young Ruthenian families, the decrease of morals, lack of conditions for the birth of children, their full education, training and finding work at home;
- Total information blockade of the Ruthenian people, their media, prohibition of Ruthenian schools and even classes, opposition to the development of Ruthenian culture and science.
2. Position of activists of the Ruthenian national movement should be adequate to rapidly changing reality, considering:
- Processes of globalization with the plans of proclamation of the Great Hungary, Great Romania, Great Galicia, which may affect the national interests of Ruthenians and their rights in Europe with respect to their neighbours, and "the powerful of this world";
- "Revolutions" in North Africa as a justification for violating the rights of sovereign nations and peoples, the growth of general dissent, pointing to the sentiments of peoples towards identified international humanitarian disasters and misfortunes;
- Galloping rise of prices and catastrophic decline in living standards in pre-default, according to international economists, Ukraine and, at the same time, "dealers" form Kiev and the eastern part of Ukraine, buying out Ruthenian land and real estate.
3. The next tactical step of the Ruthenian movement (in accordance with constant strategic objectives - the legal restoration of pre-Soviet maternal Ruthenian state and its recognition by the EU and Russia) are dictated by the international situation and the impending bankruptcy of the Ukrainian government, which turned the country into a concentration camp for small nations, subjecting them to ethnocide in their own land. Therefore, our common objectives are:
- Providing destructive actions of the Ukrainian intelligence services in the Ruthenian movement, establishment of “clone movements” and pseudo-Ruthenian institutions in order to simulate a split and lack of accord in the Ruthenian movement, to continue the patriotic peaceful work in defence of the Ruthenian people;
- Confirm the legitimacy of the government of Subcarpathian Ruthenia, founded in 1992 in Mukachevo and renewed in October 25, 2008 in Mukachevo, its right to enter into official relations with foreign entities.
- To expose the secret services of Ukraine with regard to their impunity for incitement ethnic hatred through Transcarpathian Ukrainian nationalist organizations such as "Svoboda", which in fact act as their affiliates, with regard to their attempts to split the Ruthenian national movement;
- To expose all the individuals and organizations involved in organized fight against the Ruthenian people, publications in the media and Internet about their criminal activities:
- Continue to promptly inform the Ruthenian people about the situation with the Ruthenian question and the publication of names of official opponents to the will of the people, declared by them on December 1, 1991;
- To publish materials of scientific conferences, research on the history of our people and legal objectives of the Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia;
- Further codification of Ruthenian language with transfer of all materials to Brussels to the appropriate committee on languages;
- Publication of books, newspapers, magazines and publications in the Ruthenian language;
- Thorough preparation for the census of 2011 in order to prevent rigging of the number of Ruthenians by Ukrainian nationalists, who conducted such fraud through support by security services and guidance of the authorities at the last census;
- Protection from all sorts of provocations of the Ruthenians by Ukrainian Nazis, coordinated with the intelligence agencies;
- Modelling of situations and possible positive solutions of problems, created by Ukraine, which would be also comprehensible for the world community;
- Condemnation of the 19-year criminal anti-Ruthenian policy of the authorities of Ukraine, years of repressions and judicial persecutions of the Ruthenians, recognition of their crimes against humanity with no limitations;
- Improvement and promotion of the Law on Dual Citizenship and the Law on Communities for the residents of the sovereign territory of Subcarpathian Ruthenia;
- A positive solution to the closure of a criminal corridor through the autonomous territory of the Ruthenians to the south of the Carpathians - the drug trafficking and illegal migrants’ passage from Ukraine to the EU.
4. Analysis and evaluation of 19-year-old Subcarpathian Ruthenian national movement for the revival of pre-Soviet status of the Republic of Subcarpathian Ruthenia from December 1, 1991 demonstrated:
- Catastrophic natural and legal implications in the fate of Subcarpathian Ruthenian people and their autonomous territory of the Ruthenians to the South of the Carpathians in Ukraine, and disengagement of the authorities of the Russian Federation and Czech Republic as successors to the treaty between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union from June 29, 1945, from participation in the fate of Subcarpathian Ruthenia - Transcarpathian Ukraine.
- The state discrimination of Subcarpathian Ruthenians in Ukraine caused them to start searching for remedies against Ukrainian Nazism through dual citizenship in neighbouring countries in the EU, preferably, the Czech Republic, as successor to Czechoslovakia, as well as Hungary, which proclaims the protection of all the descendants of citizens of the former Hungarian state, within which was also formed autonomous Ruthenian state "Ruska Krajna" on Dec. 21, 1918.
5. As one of the strategic directions of development of the Ruthenian movement, except cooperation with the EU, to emphasize cooperation with Russia. The main objectives:
- Work towards recognition of Subcarpathian Ruthenia by the Russian Federation;
- Expand cooperation with the Russian national patriotic organizations and the Orthodox Church, who, like Ruthenians, still retain the ancient Russianness;
- Establish a dialogue with the authorities of the Russian Federation, to convey to them the truth about the situation in Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Ruthenia;
- To develop and maintain Russian language in the Subcarpathian Ruthenia, the language of international communication and literary language of all the Eastern Slavs.
6. In the matter of dual nationality for visa-free regime with the EU, we consider it appropriate to recommend WCSR, ECSR and all Ruthenian patriotic organizations:
- To estimate the number of Ruthenians working abroad in the Czech Republic. For this purpose to start a close cooperation with the Czech Republic regarding dual citizenship and, above all, administrative and legislative simplification of obtaining visas by the residents of the Subcarpathian Ruthenia - descendants of the subjects of the first Republic, for temporary and permanent residence in Czech Republic. WCSR is to create and organize non-governmental entities that assist the Ruthenians in the preparation of documents, improving their temporary integration into the modern Czech Republic and EU countries until the time when the Day of Freedom comes to the Ruthenian land.

Chairman of the WCSR: V. Dzhugan
Co-Chair of the ECSR. Fr. Dimytry Sydor
Co-Chair of the ECSR V. Mikulin
Prime Minister of the Government of RSR P. Getsko
Member of the WCPR A. Matiko
Member of the WCPR B. Lakatos
Signatures of all remaining delegates to the Congress

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