I don't like when i'm home alone and everyone comes back. See.. because when everyone's gone, I can just pretend that this is all my place and no one else's. It's a really nice feeling, actually. When everyone comes back, it completely shatters the illusion. And then I realize i'm still living at home with my family. And i'm still in Miami. And i'm still living the same life I have been for the last 18 years.
I'm sick of routine. Egh. Gaby went to Revolver last night. Kinda wish I woulda gone afterall. Woulda been cool to see him outside of school setting. He's one of the few cool kids at my god awful school.
In other news, I still love Steve
angrythomas very much :) . He's one of the few people I know right now that I trust wholeheartedly and don't get annoyed with ever, not to mention he's just great. ::coughcoughi'myourbiggestfanhahacoughcough:: Really though. It's tough to connect with many people. It just sucks he has to live so goddamn far.
He used to be a big fan of Dawson's Creek too <3
God, i'm disgustingly love sick. Hating self right about now. Gaah.
Will be better soon.