It's political, but I still found it enjoyable.
Die Die SUVs Please Die
Sales of the bloated monster trucks are in a huge slump. Time for enviro-lovers to rejoice?
By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
You hear that? That
cheering and rejoicing and heavy exhausted sighing? Why, it's coming
from the massively fatigued Prius-happy enviro-green set and it's all
about the fact that sales of huge bloated oil-belchin' SUVs are in a
major free-fall,
down nearly 20 percent for the year and dropping faster than Jenna Bush can slam a bottle of Cuervo.
Can we all just wave our Greenpeace flags high
and scream an I-told-you-so and go spank an Expedition driver and be
glad for that? Can I get a "Hell yeah"?
Because indeed, it's the kind of minor
but still gratifying news you want to sort of dowse yourself in rub all
over your progressive brain and inject into your withered Bush-bashed
spirit and say ahh, finally, finally people are coming to their senses
and finally the world is waking up and finally some enlightenment is
peeking through.
This is the hope. Finally people are understanding just how inane and dangerous and pollutive and
just plain stupid
these vehicles so very much are, and maybe, just maybe, there is a tiny
bit of hope that the planet can finally begin to exhale and unclench
and we can finally begin to progress, to move toward something akin to
health and compassion instead of this painful devolution and isn't that
all happy sounding and positive? Aren't good things imminent and
And yet, no. Because just as these very
shining and positive thoughts escape your brain like some sort of happy
pink mist, still you are gnawed, as always, deep down. Still the other,
less gullible, less perky voices in your head kick back with a six-pack
of Skyy Blue and a boxed set of Jenna Jameson DVDs and a deep obvious
roll of the eyes and say, yeah right, not so fast, sucker.
This is the funny thing about this sort
of good news -- it usually just isn't all that good. This is when you
gotta sit up and take the medicine. This is when you gotta get slapped
in the face with cold hard dumbass 'Murkin reality.
Because the truth is, SUV sales are down
not because people are becoming more politically aware and not
necessarily because people are finally becoming more environmentally
attuned and not because the population as a whole is finally realizing
how BushCo has dragged us into a violent hellpit of screaming oily
economy-gutted warmongering inarticulate debt. Wishful thinking,
And it's certainly not because everyone
suddenly realized the oil-soaked Saudis are just as bad as the Taliban
and we should be investigating alternative fuels and rediscovering the
joys of riding bikes and walking to work, and while we're at it let's
all examine our souls and examine our motives and examine just what the
hell it is we in this country think we're doing by being the most
gluttonous, environmentally devastating resource-abusin' landmass on
the entire hobbled whirling sphere. All this is but a fraction of the
Nope, SUV sales are down for one reason
and one reason only: high gas prices. SUV sales are down because when
it costs upward of a hundred bucks to fill up your shiny clunky
chrome-rimmed uber-bloated Escalade so you can burn donuts in the
Wal-Mart parking lot for two hours on Friday night, dude, well, your
sister's Dodge Neon suddenly looks like a worthy alternative. Even in
Optimism, this ain't. I wish I could say
that the Prius-led revolution is at hand, that signs are increasingly
resplendent of a massive war-weary cultural awakening, but of course
I'm afraid the proof is just all too obvious that we just ain't all
that nimble of spirit or that interesting a species and we just ain't
that enlightened as a collective brain. Not yet, anyway.
Truth is, if gas prices were to suddenly
drop to a buck fifty again and stay there for a few months, why, SUV
sales would jump right back up. This has been proven. This has happened
before. Hell, even the gas-starved Europeans indicated in a big poll a
while back that if a gallon of Euro petrol suddenly dropped from five
bucks to one, they'd be all over the big-bloated-American-car thing
faster than Lynne Cheney on
bad lesbian prose.
It's all real simple: When resources are
cheap and plentiful, we gorge, we indulge, we stop caring. About
repercussions, about the environmental, socioeconomic, spiritual or
karmic costs of our behavior. Ditto the CEOs, the corporations that
feed our gluttony -- they go for profit uber alles, even if it means
massive economic abuse, backhanded politicking or war. It's just the
way of the species.
However, when resources get scarce and
expensive, we pay attention. We get scared. For our wallets. For our
excessive habits. This is America, beeyatch: Fear and money are the
only things that really trigger us. We respond only to crisis, change
our behavior only when absolutely forced to, or because the GOP has
pumped the nation full of bogus fear. Same as it ever was.
See, it's not really about raised
consciousness. Not yet, anyway. It's not about a deep concern for how
we treat the air, the planet, each other. By and large, we don't seem
to give much of a damn for the fact that SUVs roll and pollute and
stomp the Earth like Karl Rove stomps live kittens, not to mention how
they endanger your family's life, and every other passenger in every
other car you can't successfully swerve around in an emergency. After
all, it's all about the illusion of safety and machismo, baby. Who cares if it's actually true?
And besides, SUVs aren't exactly going
away. They're simply morphing into the new breed of crossover vehicles,
essentially jacked-up trucklike cars on steroids, and one look at the
upcoming manufacturing forecast
from any automaker proves that, save for a handful of hybrid models,
not a single automaker is eagerly rolling out a new fleet of small,
sexy, environmentally friendly, gas-frugal vehicles.
And why? Why don't automakers care?
Because they don't have to. Not yet. Despite amazing new engine
technologies, automakers haven't cared to improve MPG ratings for over
20 years, thanks in large part to the GOP yanking away all incentive or
pressure for them to do so and essentially giving them carte blanche to
gouge and pollute however the hell they want. Not to mention how the
EPA's MPG ratings for most cars are, quite simply,
way off.
So then, let us celebrate the death of
these silly monster tanks with only mild, muffled cheers, aimed mostly
at those cute pseudo-macho hellbeasts driven by myopic jingoist love
bunnies who stick little 'Murkin flags on the back of these 8-mpg Ford
Excursions and call it patriotism.
Because the good news is, as long as gas
prices stay up -- and verily, they could be way up, forevermore -- huge
numbers of the biggest of the dumb trucks will be sitting on the lots,
unsold. But bad news is, the sad, misinformed, aggro attitude that
spawned them has yet to shift much more than an inch.