Everyone loves Rosarie dramu amirite? Not only is she a theif who has stolen thousands of dollars from lolis according to reports, but she is a homophobic rascist too.
Firstly the post that started it all. Rosarie throwing a fit about the length of Cosmic.
http://i.imgur.com/QsA5L6s.png Next she gets called out for being the obese slothly slob she is by a popular and well dressed brololi. She throws another fit ofcourse.
http://i.imgur.com/FcXB0co.png Then the fun begins. She posts a bunch of rascist and homophobic secrets to btb this week and another shit storm insues.
http://behind-the-bows.livejournal.com/70590.html #22-#27.
Lets not forget that recently she tried to smear a popular loli's reputation while holding her shopping service items ransom for 200$. She even sent the costumer a bill thru paypal.
http://i.imgur.com/SsLHQ3l.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/2nbjYSN.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/PrtBh3k.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/2MghbHO.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/N3ULetX.png I wish this bitch would hurry up and get deported. Or die.