Voldie = /cgl/'s worst troll?

May 05, 2014 16:01

Over the last few weeks I've noticed a pattern on /cgl/. There's a certain.. "troll," if you can call it that, whose general MO is to pop into a thread and start bitching about something asinine. Once it was scalpers, another time it was how people with long dyed hair including Violet LeBeaux are all lying about secretly having extensions (lolwut), occasionally it's just calling people fat and ugly and then arguing about it forever. The threads usually devolve into shitfests, and occasionally get deleted. "But wait," you ask. "Isn't that just like most threads on /cgl/?"
Don't worry, my frilly friend, it gets better. When people call out the stupid opinion, rather than baiting more, like other, more successful trolls, the troll starts yelling and screaming about basically nothing, while accusing everyone else (usually anons who are calmly explaining why their opinion makes no sense) of being angry and buttfrustrated. They tend to use the same really colorful expressions. And their last post almost always ends with this emoticon: :^)

Here are some examples of their work, if you can call it that:
Here's the infamous Tracy Hines thread. She starts off accusing Traci of wearing a wig, which is viewed as plausible, but quickly goes full retard when she accuses many popular and well known vloggers like Violet LeBeaux of secretly having hair extensions and lying about it for years and years, for some unknown reason. Fun starts here: https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7471386#p7473329
Here's where their ass gets called out: https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7471386#p7473536
They continue to vendetta-chan into another thread: https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7471692#p7473923
In a thread complaining about scalpers: https://warosu.org/cgl/thread/7449684
I don't even know what they are arguing about here but it's definitely the same person: https://warosu.org/cgl/thread/S7443010
Generally being a helpful and contributing member of the /cgl/ community: https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S7511122#p7513222

The last few are short and sweet, for those of you with low attention spans. I know I've seen them in other threads, but don't remember which threads and my search for them failed. Now that you know, you've probably noticed them, too.

There's a pretty clear pattern here: complain about something random and idiotic and generally make irrational deductions. Call everyone who disagrees "butt blistered" or some variation thereof. Flounce with your calling card while high on your victory of making everyone mad, even though you were the one ranting and name-calling the whole thread. They also use the classic tactic of "everyone who replies to me is way too emotionally invested in this subject, even if they only reply once and I've been shit posting and arguing for over an hour" a lot, as well as accusing multiple posters of samefagging, and other crappy troll tactics they recycle. I suppose if the end goal is just to get threads deleted, it works, but on basically every other level they're a failure at anything resembling trolling, or winning, or whatever it is they think they're doing. They rarely deny it when called out for being the same troll as well.

I'm not the only one who has noticed this, in fact once I pointed out, other people realized it and brought up more instances of their asshattery. They're commonly called autism-chan or :^)-chan or nose-chan because of the emoticon they always use. For PC and typing's sake I'll go with nose-chan.

Now, I've been using the internet for a long time, and this emoticon use really stuck out to me. It's not a common emoticon. In fact, I could probably count on one hand how many times I've seen people use it before this troll appeared, probably because it looks incredibly stupid. They use it both sparingly yet specifically; it goes along with their final statement and generally seems meant to tease/enrage.

So imagine my surprise when I was browsing btb and saw, under the voldie secret, this:

Searching the archives for Voldie's trip, I found more uses.

^Here's her taunting people who chastised her for wanting a Milky Planet replica. Eyebrows is Voldie (same tripcode)
Taunting again

Is it a little much to link 2 people based on one emoticon? I don't think so. Because of the infrequency the emoticon is generally used on the internet, versus the frequency of how these two use it and how it's used, I think it is likely. But I suspect people more familiar with Voldie will be able to tell if it's her or not based on other things the nose-troll has written and stated, if any of those were even true. I know a few times it's contradicted itself already. A lot of the language used is similar, and she has something of a reputation for starting drama and getting threads deleted. Sound familiar?

So is it Voldie, a troll pretending to be Voldie, or something else?

straight from /cgl/

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