As you may have noticed, BOTH posts regarding the BTSBB drama have been deleted.
Rosaire deleted her own post and has been subsequently banned from GTFO in keeping with the communities rules.
The recap post by
socks_cathas also been removed by the moderation team. No action will be taken against Socks_cat for this removal as, like I said, it was at our discretion.
Details have come to light that imply the original post has been passed on to Japanese authorities which could cause repercutions for the comm and it's maintainers.
As such, the moderation team have decided that until further notice, NO FURTHER POSTS REGARDING SANA/ROSAIRE/BTSSB will be allowed.
Anyone posting recap posts will be dealt with accordingly. You are free to continue discussing the matter at hand via other mediums but GTFO will not permit the topic for the time being.
The Moderation Team
EDIT; I forgot to mention that if anyone has any inquiries regarding this decision, do not hesitate to message any of the moderation team
EDIT 2; 25/6/13 - I've unstickied the post in an attempt to let the comm move on and not detract from new posts.