I can't headdesk enough. SERIOUSLY?!
I first posted about
lolikum on egl_comm_sales since
I was trying to get her to reply to me.
Note that at this point I was - after a couple of weeks being ignored - still willing to solve things amicably.
After that I decided to contact a mod.
I also thought that /cgl/ would be of help so I posted
in here.
CAPS The first comment suggested that I posted her on egl_france
so I did.
She replied to my egl_france post
in here.
She tried to tell me that I was wrong and that I was the one who deserved negative feedback which
was hilarious.
"et moi j'ai reçu trois emails pour me dire que tu avais déjà fais le coup. Est ce normal?" which means "I got three emails saying that you were plotting this. Is that normal?" LOLwtf
I kept trying to solve things and finally I gave up People who dealt with her before admitted her as being flaky:
here and
Then another user saw my post and
decided to share her experience Imho, this is not only gtfo worthy
because she clearly can't do business but because her replies are absolutely deluded, and slightly hilarious, I may add.
"Bisous sur ta gueule d'amour!" - kisses on your love throat
/ "en français mon chouchou d'amour ♥" in french my lovely darling
/ "signé la méchante lolikum!" signed the evil lolikum
/ "signé la TRÈS méchante lolikum" signed the VERY evil lolikum