Anyone have a look at Tokyo Rebel's
FAQ? They've done some updates recently, I'm under the impression that they are sounding pretty snarky. :| I dunno if this warrants a GTFO, but some of their FAQ questions and answers seem inappropriate for a business.
For example, their Q: Why should I buy from you and not from another store?
I'm sorry, but I don't think a business should be telling their customers why they are better than other companies. It puts me off and makes me more reluctant to buy from them. Do you really need to tell people the amount of facebook likes and site hits to get them to buy from you.
Not to mention that little ref about hiding behind a parent company. I'm pretty sure that's a direct insult to at least one company.
Or how about Q: Why does it seem like San Francisco gets so much attention from Japanese brands, while the east coast seems to get the shaft?
That sounds like a lot of butthurt here. I understand that some people aren't exactly happy that all these brands opening to SF, but I don't think this is appropriate to talk about on a business FAQ. Also, they seem to be making up some numbers, since according to the census 2000 California has 394,896 Japanese, while New York only has 45,237 Japanese. Yeah I'm probably biased since I live near SF, but seriously, last time I checked, those numbers mean that NY can't possibly have the highest population of japanese in the world outside of Japan.
Interestingly enough, the webpage was last updated on the 25th of december. Hmmm I wonder what got them to update it. The only thing I can think about that would be possibly threatening to them is the AP USA opening :o
tl;dr Tokyo Rebel, stop making it obvious that you're butthurt about AP USA opening.
EDIT: Freezepage of previous FAQ added.