*sigh* and I was just checking LJ before dashing over there to leave feedback for people.... and I had someone asking where to leave feedback... awesome.
LOL that macro. Makes my life better just knowing there's a pun for everything ever.
Also, wow, laiferr. I know you're frustrated, but way to lose your cool and get all personal. Step back for a second and set an example or something, geez.
How about those of us who didn't give a shit about Talia or her drama? This sucks for people with loads of feedback - must feel like your mom deleted your main character on WoW or something.
But seriously, you're right. I was hoping that all that would come out of this was talia not getting special treatment on her negative and neutral feedback any more. It was a useful tool, and I was just starting to get some feedback built up. And one of the girls in my area has been building up her feedback forever. She had like 80 positives or something.
I only had 3 feedbacks or so and 2 of those were friends so I can just get them to re-write it, but that's lame for those people who had a lot. Even though you can find out your total from Talia, there's no proof behind it anymore.
But one thing I did find restrictive about the DBS was that only "lolita" transactions counted - I've been helping out friends with a tiny shopping service (I live in Japan) but not all the things they bought were lolita items which I found kind of arbitrary. I guess you need rules though...
Comments 198
After what she pulled with the Daily Frill, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.
Also, wow, laiferr. I know you're frustrated, but way to lose your cool and get all personal. Step back for a second and set an example or something, geez.
Is that how much she owes her buyers in refunds or something?
How about those of us who didn't give a shit about Talia or her drama? This sucks for people with loads of feedback - must feel like your mom deleted your main character on WoW or something.
But seriously, you're right. I was hoping that all that would come out of this was talia not getting special treatment on her negative and neutral feedback any more. It was a useful tool, and I was just starting to get some feedback built up. And one of the girls in my area has been building up her feedback forever. She had like 80 positives or something.
But one thing I did find restrictive about the DBS was that only "lolita" transactions counted - I've been helping out friends with a tiny shopping service (I live in Japan) but not all the things they bought were lolita items which I found kind of arbitrary. I guess you need rules though...
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