Okay, so my gran likes to listen to online recordings of
http://www.tabernaculo.net/ Go to sermones en mp3 - the first sermon there "Emos y Las Lolitas"
So esentially it's this woman getting this rant on trying to describe Gothic Lolita and how it's satanic.
Essentially she describes how subcultures are bad and that they take your soul away from God and lead you to Satan - her facts on the style are not too far off - essentiall describing only Gothic lolita and not sweet. (Same with Emo I guess)
Predicador:Hna. Patty de Rivera
[ESCUCHAR][DESCARGAR] Título:La Subcultura Emo y Las LolitasCita Bíblica: 1 Tesalonicenses 5:19Culto:Congreso de Jóvenes "Llenando El Vacío"Fecha:02/08/2008
Who doesn't love Spanish language Baptists doing sermons on the evils of Gothic Lolita and Emo.
FYI before the shitstorm - Christians are cool kats, I'm an atheist