Jan 23, 2006 20:27

About you ---

Middle name: Lee

School: Macomb Community College

Birthday: February 28, 1986

Astrological sign: Pisces

Chinese sign: The cute/beasty striped one

Are your parents still together?: yep, a little over 23 years.

Are you the youngest or oldest?: Second youngest/Third oldest

What size shoes do you wear?: 9ish

What size ring do you wear?: 9ish

Appearance ---

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: green or brown, maybe both.

Height: 5'7

Do you wear colored contacts?: nope, but that might be cute..

Interests ---

What's your favorite sport?: Tennis and Volleyball

Favorite sports team?: eh, I don't really watch sports, maybe I will later on in life or something. ha

Do you play any instruments?: Flute/Piccolo/Alto Flute

Are you in band?: No...those were the days, though...

Favorite actor: I can't ever think on the spot

Random ---

Country?: USA

Ever been to Niagra falls?: nope.

Ever been to Africa?: no, but I would like to.

What's your favorite drink?: Rock Star Energy

Do you like to shop?: I love sales. So yeah then, but otherwise, I do the window shopping.

Like video games?: yeah

Cards?: yep

board games?: awesome

Asparagus?: Only had it once and I can't remember.

Seinfeld?: no.

The OC?: never watched it.

Ever been to New York?: twice.

How long have you had AIM for?: probably since 9th grade.

Xanga?: what?

Do you like broccoli?: so much.

Are you a Harry Potter fan?: never read the books but I love the movies.

Lord of the Rings?: Love.

Star Wars?: sweet.

Do you like Superman or Batman?: Batman, he's way cooler.

Are you a procrastinator?: Yes, but it's soooo bad.

Do you smoke?: nope

Drink?: yep.

Do drugs?: no way

Are you a slut?: ha! no

Do you think paris hilton is hot?: I want to rip her nose off!

Are you sure?: completely sure.

Been to a funeral?: Yes.

Ever been a part of a wedding?: no

Do you have a job?: yes, sir.

Do you like dairy? mmmm

Meat?: mmmm

Fruit?: mmmm

Vegetables?: mmmm

Ever been to Sweden?: no, haha

Do you always wear a watch?: no, but I will since I have to have one for school.

Favorite flavor of ice cream: Sander's bumpy cake ice cream..MMMM!!! and moosetracks, of course.

How do you like your coffee?: not coffeeish

Do you get good grades?: very

Do you want to get married?: Yay! but when I really think about it, no.

Have kids?: awww the bebes!

What do you want to be?: Motivated.

What's your favorite color?: probably green and orange.

Ever been in a cult?: vet tech student's of mcc.

Are you Jewish?: no

Shop at AE?: when I'm with someone who wants to go...other than that no one will go in with me.

A & F?: no

Hollister?: dumb.

Aeropstle?: when nicolle would go all the time, but not other than that. and I think that's spelled wrong, too....

Gap?: with Danielle once, that was it.

Banana Republic?: my aunt tried buying me clothes from there when I was a freshman.

D&G?: what?

Express?: I go there and get pissed off. $40 for a thin ass tshirt?!?! no way.

How long do you spend putting on make up?: about 5 minutes. I need some new colors.

Ever wanted to be an astronaut?: like kellie said, who hasn't?

Do you like the movie Harold and Kumar go to White Castle: eh, it was alright.

How about The Village?: that movie PISSED ME OFF!

What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Underworld: Evolution

What's your favorite genre of movies?: Action/Horror/Comedy/Girly Chick movies...okay, everything?

Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: not really.

What's your favorite holiday?: Easter, I think.

Ever meet a celebrity?: Claudio Sanchez of Coheed&Cambria

Ever been to a country concert?: No

What about a classical concert?: no

A rock concert?: a few

Are you in a band?: stop

Ever seen your favorite musician live?: I don't really know who my ultimate favorite is, so I don't know.

Do you drive?: Yes

Do you live in one of those huge neighborhoods with a million plastic houses?: I'm all about bricks.

Do you like playing in the snow?: when it's really sunny out and a snow day and all your friends come over...or we all go to chatterton, that's fun too.

The rain?: eh...sometimes.

Afraid of lightning or thunder?: no way, I love it

Do you have OCD?: If you count me having to scratch the the "f" and "j" keys and backspacing them everytime I type a sentence, then yes.

Do you watch the news?: no

Are you sad this is over?: no.
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