Aug 29, 2004 23:54
YEAH, well it started off by waking up and then smoking some weed with miro...FUN because miro was really fucked up and thats what he wanted..then we waited a long ass time for the night to come, and then we went to this party...rap/latin music party where i found my brother and the girl i was supposed to we took them from there and took them to our party..when we got there we came upon a shit load of people more than what i had expected to be there..everyone was drunk and high so it was fun..this one girl was fucken wasted she had a shot of that absinth whatever you spell it but for those people who dont know what that is is that drink that has wormwood in its ingridients and that makes you hallucinate..later on this girl kissed me and then there was a 2 hour make-out party after that..lot of guys were grabbing my ass so she was getting a little mad...she became my girl-friend after wards...and so the day ended..
next day going to my with my mom to oldnavy and getting some new pants theyre pretty kool looking ones for school anyhow..then she bought me a big ass burrito that feeled me up for the rest of the day...after that i called my new girl-friend and asked her if she wanted to do something she invited me to go to the mall with her and i agreed...we went there got some bellybutton ring and left, we went to get wendys but i was too full to eat so i didnt get anything...we went to her moms ex-boyfriend house and we stayed there for an outrageous amount of time and then we left..on the way back home i told her that i was bi and she just freaked out on me, she started crying about how every guy she likes always turns out gay, then i said im not gay im bi is diffrent she asked me how many guys i was with and such things of none importance...its funny..she thinks because im bi im double the slut now, not exactly true but still should not be judge..its not that i dont like girls over guys its just that im attracted to both she started yelling at me and i told her that i really dont like fighting then she said 'THEN WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING HERE' and walked off and so i did.....