Jan 09, 2005 21:32
My sad reality is approaching me and it stabs me in the stomach. Tonight I have to walk back into the place I hate the most, my job here in Michigan. It's been about a month and a half since I've been there and I'm down just thinking of the reunion. Back to shitty midnights. Back to the stupidity. Back to the evil people in the background. I can't wait to leave again. One of my happiest moments was the night I left thinking it was my last day there for a long while. I hated that place then, I hate it more now that I've seen how the people were in PA. That sickening feeling has returned to me that I knew all too well and it hurts more now that I haven't felt it in a while. I wanna pass out.
But I'm back for good now. I'm still on call but I don't see me going anywhere soon.
I still have much to learn for me to be satisfied with myself. I need more to be in the position I have my eye on. I hate the fact I have to learn from someone who I don't think is even in my league but just because I'm not learning from the best doesn't mean I can't be the best. I should know what I'm doing in a couple months and by then I'll be fine tuning myself. About a year...I'll be fuckin' sweet at this now and then theres just time.