Aug 28, 2006 10:02
dear buffalo,
thank you for everything really. i didn't mean to leave without a proper goodbye. and i'm writing this now because i don't know when i'll have time again with you to enjoy the things i'll miss. as much as i dis you hardcore, you never leave me. i always miss you when i'm away and you have to know i really do love you, deep in my heart. and i'm just hard on you because i know you have so much potential. and i want everything for you. someday we will be together forever and i will help make you a better place. until then, thank you for all the things i come home to. thank you for fasos and dirty hippies. for pool tables at every bar. relaxed atmospheres like annacones. thank you for spot, falafell bar, moe's, tim hortons, mighty taco, wegmans, basdell pizza and various other food places, round here i can't get anything else like em. thank you for the cheap shows and thursday at the square. thank you for making being wasted in public not only socially acceptable but the passtime of an entire city. thank you for the laughs at the lame bars downtown, all slutty and trashy. thank you for being so small that i can drink for free because myself or someone i know, knows the bartenders or the bouncers or both. thank you for being family and friends everytime i go somewhere. thank you for being so damn cheap that a dollar really gets me quite far. thank you for loving body modification as much as i do, and making it accessable and affordable. thank you for being 20 minutes from anything anywhere you are. thank you for making me familiar with another country, and even though i overlook both canada and niagara falls, thanks for creating something as awesome as that to take advantage of. thank you for being so fucking awkward and in turn teaching people how to be incredibly awkward so that outside of buffalo it's nearly impossible for them to survive socially. thank you for being diverse and relatively accepting. thank you for teaching me how to not be afraid of the world. thank you for being beautiful despite all your destruction and poverty and neglect.
for now, this is all. of course there is more, but buffalo, thank you for being everything i will come to need and a part of everything i am.
sincerely and with love,