after my ABISMAL(sp?) performance last year ive sort of got this reputation of being an absolute fucker! YAY!!
I GOT UP today at 8am and thought id maybe goto the gym before my ELECTROMAGNETISM lecture but i got up at 8(to my vredit) but felt like a zombie. SNOZZERS. FIDDLED with the guitar for a wee while and came up with a possible song for the BAND. which i dont know but i will present it to ian with GRAPHS and PIEHARTS and a stunning buisness plan and maybe he will like it. and maybe he wont/ did anyone see the comedy lab the night before last? there was this really good show called "fm" it was really funny and was about an indie radio station getting taken over by ESSENTIAL fm. kind of made me think of green wing but in a radio station rather than a green wing.
I dont know much about the comedy lab but apparantly they play pilot episodes of lots of shows to get a response from the DEMOGRAPHIC or something. well i am demo and i am graphic and i gave it TWO thumbs up.
another thing has anyone ever noticed the the letters KC like EVRYWHERE?! kc accidental king creosote kaiser cheifs kc and the sunshine band and there are more but i cant remember them just now. its spooky.
is anyone going to casiotone for the painfully alone tonight? and then maybe art school afterwards? or maybe just art school? or maybe staying in and playing chess? and talking about our favourite book or films or music? or maybe you can just sit and listen to me get UNBELIEVABLY nervous and do nothing and say thing like "HAVE YOU HEARD THIS 1?"
grizzly bear's album "yellow house" is BRILLIANT! they should play glasgow soon.
i used to be a much nicer person, i think.