You are a "Neko" (cat)
What Japanese Smiley Are You? gah i guess ill update since im "intensely gay" for not being an "intense updated" anymore so here i go
um. saturday was the last 2 recitals
i was sad..but it was a good recital
afterwards went to seths graduation party with kevin
didnt stay too late..oh ride home =ed awesome
monday..WOAH thats today..shit i skipped sunday.
HA i coulda erased that but brain lapse and i dotn like the backspace key anymore
sunday um..i dont really rememember what i did yesturday
oh parade..that was ok..kinda lame
then maureen and i went to see caitlin at work ..pretty fun
um then we came here for a little maureen left
seth picked me up we went to kevins party
didnt stay long..came back heresleeeeeeeppptt THEN THIS MORNING MONDAY
cheerleading practice. SWEET.
and.........i GOT MY BRACES OFF! eek gads!
well then um..i didnt do anything after that a little shopping
seth came over tonight..good fun.. boring to read about. so im done now.