au cancer fic

Oct 18, 2009 22:18

hi guys,

i'm sorry to be bothering so much lately, but i'm sick at the moment, and i've got (too) much time to fill, so this time i was wondering if there were any au cancer arc fics that have brian loosing his hair during the cancer arc (so also getting chemo besides the radiation)? one-shot is fine, but multi-chaptered would be awesome ^^

recs: ree's cancer!fic list o'joy, cancer fic: brian, angst

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deviant_queen October 19 2009, 01:35:03 UTC
I'm guessing you mean losing his hair. But as court said, he had radiation, not chemo. He wouldn't have lost his hair during radiation. Maybe something AU, or What If? the cancer came back, and he did have to get chemo. But other than that...


autumnrae89 October 19 2009, 01:38:31 UTC
Actually, even though it's pretty rare, some patients lose their hair during radiaton. I'm not really sure how or why but they warn patients about it.

Weird, huh?


deviant_queen October 19 2009, 01:41:17 UTC
I've heard that too, but I think it would only be in the affected area receiving the radiation. In that case, he'd only lose it in his genitals, not his head.


autumnrae89 October 19 2009, 01:46:05 UTC
I don't know. I'll ask my Mum, she was the one who told me. Maybe she can enlighten the situation. But I think you're right. Oh god, could you imagine, losing all of Brian's public hair, that loveable afro puff. ROFL.

One thing that people never write about but would have happened is that Brian would have been burnt. On his balls. It's burning the remaining cancer away but the skin at the same time. Guess it's not sexy is it.


vlredreign October 19 2009, 02:16:05 UTC
You don't always lose your hair during chemo, either. My SIL did it for a year, didn't lose any hair.


autumnrae89 October 19 2009, 02:18:44 UTC
No you don't. But again, that's rare too.

My Mum had chemo for six months and she lost everything, even her eyebrows. It has something to do with the mix of chemicals they give you. Mum had this one drug that made her wee red for a couple days after. Was the funniest thing ever.


vlredreign October 19 2009, 02:20:35 UTC
Yeah, my SIL is rare. She's one of those few people in the world that took a couple of ibuprofen here and there, now and then, for the pain. I'd have had to have been so doped up I would be a zombie.


autumnrae89 October 19 2009, 02:23:08 UTC
Mum took antisematics (She has vomit phobia) but barring that she wouldn't touch anything they gave her. Totally hardcore. The only time she got upset was when the chemo gave her mouth uclers and she couldn't eat. I would have just crawled under a rock and cried.

Nice to know there's still strong women giving it their all!


deviant_queen October 19 2009, 03:01:52 UTC
Oh no. Just like we missed all the puking (except for that lone heave in the bathroom at Kinnetik, ha!). Can't tarnish his reputation as the hottest thing on the show. :)


silmarwen_85 October 19 2009, 08:50:41 UTC
yep...thanks, i'll go a re-phrase my question/title then!


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