Oct 05, 2009 20:48
Hey everybody, I recently read a couple of entries from various users that sort of portrayed Debbie in a negative light. I tried searching for more fics like those here but there aren't that many :| .....
The whole fic doesn't have to center completely upon Debbie, but I'd like to touch upon how selfish, and self centered, and pretty much hurtful she can be. Actually I'd like it to be a Brian/Justin centered fic with sides of bad Debbie :). It doesn't have to be anti-Debbie for the entirety of the fics, it can begin with nice Debbie, then go to bad Debbie, or something like that.
If anyone knows of any fics that kind of fall under this category then I'd like to read them, please :D!!!!!
Edit: There are some recs given in the comments (no links but you'll be able to find the fics in the tags). I've read most the stories that were recommended so if anyone knows of any other story, please share :)!!!
Edit 2: There are a couple of good fics recommended in the comments :D!!
author: ladybugkay,
author: thyme and sabina,
author: jane2005 aka lady_jane,
what if?,
author: azureopal,
s-5 (the author's way),
debbie has baseball bat at diner,
author: wren_kt7oz,
rape fic,
b/j have nightmares