Ted/Blake Pet-sit, Brian Swears Off Drugs, Justin w/Cancer and Kip As A Blackmailer

Sep 25, 2009 21:59

Hi, everyone...I'm looking for several different things tonight...

- Does anyone remember a short Ted/Blake story (I'm pretty sure it was post-513) where Ted (who is living with Blake) is taking care of his sister's cat, while she's away having a baby...but then Brian (who for some reason has gotten a dog) comes over and leaves his dog with Ted and Blake too? And I think the dog starts chasing the cat around the apartment.

Sorry, if that's a bit vague; I only read this one once a long time ago (and remembered it while reading a current WIP about Brian and Justin as dogs...)

- The second story I'm looking for is another short one...I think I found the rec here once, but I have no idea where. What I remember is that Justin has a bad reaction to some E and ends up in the hospital, and afterwards Brian feels really guilty and swears off drugs.

-Also, does anyone know if the fic "Limited Time," (I think the author is Lizzy, but I'm not sure) is anywhere other than BJfic.net. It's a death-fic where Justin is a terminally-ill cancer patient when he meets Brian, they fall in love, get married, but Justin dies pretty soon after that. I remember a scene at the end where Brian goes to visit Justin's grave...there's also a scene, after Justin dies, where Brian goes to confront Justin's parents about kicking him out and not caring if he was sick.

-The last thing I'm looking for is a story I was reading recently. I'm sure it was on Moonshadow Tribe, but I can't remember the title or author...it's a future AU, but I'm not sure from what point. Justin leaves Pittsburgh and cuts all ties with his family and friends who have no idea where he went or why he really left. A few years later, Gus is on a school field trip to Boston and sees Justin at an art gallery. It later comes out that it was Kip who blackmailed Justin into leaving town and disappearing.

Thanks in advance for any help with any of these...

Edit: Second and fourth requests found: "Strong" by bigboobedcanuck and "Strange Ways How We Fly" and its sequel by Jule. Thanks to Wouldbedorothy and Edom. Links are in the comments.

brian asks justin to come back or stay, reunion fic: general, not found, b/j stop drinking or doing drugs, gus, justin leaves brian, death fic: major character, b/j health scare or issue, b/j own or care for pets, pairing: ted/blake, gus reunites or matchmakes b/j, author: bigboobedcanuck aka keira, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, author: jule aka jule1122, b/j and that ol' cliff, kip, b/j split away from the family, cancer fic: justin

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