Tay-Kin Art,, Transgender/Hermaphrodite Justin, Crossovers

Sep 09, 2009 21:53

I know I read a story that had something about Brian and Justin owning a business thats called something like Tay-Kin art. Does anyone know what I am talking about?

I am also wondering if there is any stories where Justin is either a transgender or hermaphrodite

Can anyone recommend any good crossover fics? I don't really care who what it is crossed with. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Found: Number one is No more pushing and it's sequel is Married at last. They are by edom. Links in comments.

All others keep them coming.

crossover: true blood, author: edom56, author: nikki6, author: kelley aka diva, author: qaffangyrl aka iowagyrl, author: lindtti, crossover: friends, crossover: law & order, crossover: grey's anatomy, b/j own art gallery, crossover: oz, b/j in drag or make-up, author: darksylvia aka leah claire, delicious links, recs: personal rec lists, pairing: brian/other

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