Aug 23, 2009 14:46
I remember a fic website from years ago and thought I'd see if it is still up and running. I believe it was a personal site that had a few standalones (like a day in the life of B/J, just random things, no big plot) on it. I'm not sure about the rest of the site.
I remember the stories had a lot of humor in them. For instance, in one a caterpillar got into the loft and either Brian or Justin freaks out about it and accuses the other of putting it there just to scare him. And the other responds by saying something like "Yeah, I waited outside the loft for a caterpillar to cross my path just to bring it in here and..." etc. Another (I think it was on the same site) started off with Justin telling Brian he was hot and Brian responding "I know" and then Justin says something about meaning temperature-wise and Brian again replies with "I know" and tells Justin he's already mentioned being hot multiple times and Justin tells him "Then do something about it".
Very random, I know. But there were a few of these that were quite amusing to read and I'd like to find them again if possible. If the site isn't up anymore, similar humorous one-shots would be appreciated. :)
author: chering and fansee,
author: suzvoy,
author: sapphire aka sapphire3,
author: fansee and chering,
author: elyxer,
frackle fic,
author: miss miko,
inanimate object!fic,
author: severina2001,
recs: personal rec lists,
delicious links,
author: phoenix