There used to be these two B/J fanvids on Youtube set to James Blunt's songs "Goodbye My Lover" and "You're Beautiful," which of course got removed...
I'm a huge James Blunt fan, and I've always thought the lyrics to "Goodbye My Lover" were just so perfect for the Brian and Justin story; if you haven't heard the song, you can read the lyrics here: So, it's a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone knew somewhere else where these vids might be posted...or maybe someone has one of them saved and is willing to share...(PM me though; let's not start a "me too" wave...)
The other thing I'm looking for is another fanvid that I loved that was also removed by was set to Garth Brooks "The Dance" and it was about Brian and Justin maybe not ending up together, but how their one dance, at the Prom, was worth everything else they went through...
Again, I always thought the lyrics were so perfect for B/J: If anyone could help me out with either of these, I'd be really grateful.
Edit: Accidently ran into the Garth Brooks one on Dailymotion (which is kind of like Youtube, but not as good). If anyone wants to see it, it's here: Still looking for the two James Blunt ones though.