Jun 20, 2009 15:36
Hi there, my first time posting here and let me say I just love the way people rush to help with the questions asked.
I never knew of a thing called fanfic until about a year ago when I happened to stumble upon a story about Brian and Justin on vacations celebrating New Years eve. They were in bed celebrating 8-) when the time struck 12. In the middle of the night Brian's wristwatch alarm went of because he wanted to celebrate New Year in Pittsburgh too.
I loved it and I seem to remember coming across it again later on and I think it turned out to be a chapter in a longer fic. I hope someone can help!
Hugs xanthippe
FOUND link in the comment..
author: chering and fansee,
b/j meet a different way,
author: fansee and chering,
justin teaches at carnegie-mellon,
holiday: new year's eve