A story with suspense, mystery, drama, angst...

May 24, 2009 11:12

I'm looking for a fic that is hard to stop reading, one that you keep looking forward to the next installment. I'm thinking of something along the lines of someone being in trouble, missing, or behaving differently, something that causes angst. And I definitely want Brian or Justin to be the main character that is involved.

An example of the type of story I'm looking for in which I have already read are Layla's Psycho fic, a Without a Trace/QAF unfinished story I read where Justin was missing, a couple of stories where Gus was kidnapped or missing, a story I am reading now by RageJT where Justin took off because he caught Brian in bed with Daphne.

I hope I am not being too confusing or vague or asking for too much. I guess what I'm looking for is a suspense filled,action packed, Brian and Justin centered, angst ridden drama that keeps you at the edge of your seat (or your computer screen)wanting more.

Thank you in advance fellow Queer as Folk Fans

* Found in Comments. Thanks to all.

brian's cancer returns, author: laylafic aka ayesakara, author: rizabeau, zombie!fic, author: jane2005 aka lady_jane, blindfolded!hustler!justin, institutionalization, angst, author: mclachlan, b/j vampires, author: ayesakara aka laylafic, author: ragingpixie aka tinkerbell, author: msjudi aka phobosgirl, death fic: major character, justin hurt or down a well, brian hurt or down a well, mystery or thriller, horror/scary fics, author: besame_bj, brian fucks michael, b/j on the run, cancer fic: brian, rape fic, author: severina2001

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