Brian in wheelchair

Apr 26, 2009 13:56


I am looking for a fic where Brian is in a wheelchair after a car crash. Justin is taking care of him and in one scene Micheal comes to the loft and makes a scene about Justin not taking a proper care of Brian. I know that it is not Close to Home by Thyme.

Thank you for your help

P.S. eva213 gave me some tips, but the stories aren't it. Maybe additional info will help. Justin is at the time with Ethan and somehow he moves back into the loft. The pair later break up and Justin ends up, where he belongs - with Brian.

AN: So after long search, the fic is found. Thanks to micheyp89. And I want to thank the other people who also shared their ideas - thank you.

b/j in car crash or hit by car, b/j paralyzed/wheelchair, brian asks justin to come back or stay, author: susan k james & nj pax, anti-ethan, justin finds out b came to hospital, b/j in a coma, author: meredeth, justin supportive of brian, brian hurt or down a well, stroke!brian, b/j in the hospital, reunion fic: 308 or post-ethan, author: sfscarlet, pairing: justin/ethan, author: morpheus

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