Apr 19, 2009 17:33
Hello, I'm glad this community was suggested to me because I have a specific fic I'm looking for. Here's the description from an e-mail I sent:
Last summer I read a fic where the scenario involved Brian and Justin fooling around with handcuffs. One of them misplaces the key and, like you might see in a sitcom, they're stuck together. The conflict (aside from that, obviously) is that they have a wedding to get ready for (I'm 99.8% sure it was Jennifer and Tucker's) and they're not even dressed. They cut the sleeves off their suit jackets and re-sew them to accommodate their handcuffs and when they get to the wedding awkwardness ensues. I'm not positive whether or not this was a one-shot/short chaptered story or something like an epilogue to a longer fic. I just remember thinking it was pretty funny and wanting to find it again. I read it on bjfic.net, so I scoured the site looking for it using the site: Google feature. Nada. Either it's deleted or I just make a crap detective.
Ring any bells for anyone?
Edit: Found! Chapter 19 from "Season 6" by CleverDevil_51. Link in comments.
author: cleverdevil_51,
s-6 (virtual),
b/j stuck in handcuffs