B or J with others.. but happy ending?

Jan 27, 2009 18:38

Good evening, I have a nasty cold and am hoping for some lengthy, stay-home-sick fics.

I recently read  Twenty-Ten by Morpheus http://qaf-fic.com/atp/viewstory.php?sid=1424&warning=NC-17 ( in case you want to read it - its brilliant) and also That Which Does Not Destroy Us Makes Us Stronger by Hephaistion-Lo http://qaf-fic.com/atp/viewstory.php?sid=5847&warning=NC-17  (also brilliant) and loved the angsty B/other and J/other elements.

So I am searching for similar fics: angsty, one of them with other (not Mikey please!), but a happy ending? I liked that in both of the fics I read, it took time and hard work to get to a happy ending... Any ideas? I've been checking through the memories here, but was hoping someone had some favorites they could please recommend...

Thanks in advance,

Found! Lots of good ideas, links in comments! Thank you!

author: rizabeau, reunion fic: general, author: jane2005 aka lady_jane, pairing: justin/other, angst, author: big_brian_o aka brian hennessey, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, author: mouse, author: hephaistion-lo, b/j don't end up together, dead link, author: blissink, author: henny71, author: myrna, author: arwensong, pairing: brian/other with emo attachment, author: morpheus, b/j break up temporarily, post-513, author: randall aka randall morgan, pairing: brian/other

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