Jan 11, 2009 23:52
I'm looking for any and all B/J outstide P.O.V. fics. Doesn't matter which character the p.o.v. is based on. I'm working my way through the memories here but am hoping for more, if there are any out there.
Also, are there any fics where Gus plays an integral role in getting B/J together. It could be a reunion fic or even fics where there's a fight and for some reason or the other, it's Gus that gets them to sort out their issues?
In the same vein, any fics out there where something happens to Gus (sick, injured, mugged etc) and Brian and Justin take care of him?
E.T.A: Recs found. Thanks to all that contributed. (Links in comments)
crossover: friends,
voyeur or other pov,
author: sonofabiscuit77,
author: edom56,
challenge: icon,
gus reunites or matchmakes b/j,
comm: neverenough_bj,
gus fic,
author: thyme aka oasis,
comm: qaf_challenges,
challenge: through the eyes of,
author: darksylvia aka leah claire,
delicious links