(no subject)

Dec 17, 2008 00:57

I am extremely ashamed to admit I've read slash for the band of all bands, but I can't see a way around it.

I am looking for a Beatles/QAF crossover I once read. It involved Brian, who was somehow involved in the arts idk, going to Germany in the Beatles Hamburg days and hooking up with Paul. Or at least he was on his way to hooking up with Paul, who had nearly hooked up with John prior to the fic, but idk if they actually finished up because in my immense shame at having committed such Beatles!sacrilege I totally did not finish the fic.

...But now I really want to, and cannot find it. D: I think I read it before I got into QAF, so it's possible it isn't hosted at a QAF-centric site but really I have no idea. I don't think Justin was really a centerpiece of the fic, if that helps. It was pretty heavily Brian/Paul (purely for the sex, tho) as I remember it.

So, has anyone read this? Plz send help. Turn Paulie's frown upside down. (see icon)

eta: fic is Beatitudes by the amazing Gaedhal, available there and other places too I think just not at the moment?

crossover: bandom (beatles mcr etc), rps w/ qaf characters, author: gaedhal, pairing: brian/other

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