Brian's old gym teacher turns out to be Justin's uncle.

Dec 01, 2008 07:33

I asked a while back about a fic. Nobody knew where to find it. Now I'm trying again, in the hopes that someone knows where it is, and didn't see my post the last time.

I read a fic once where Brian went to some kind of family dinner with Justin. It turns out that Justin's uncle is mr. 'most famous shower scene since Psycho'.

Anybody know where it is?


hurt-comfort fic, jack, brian & michael no longer friends, brian's gym teacher, justin finds out b came to hospital, b/j get arrested, brian cries or emotionally breaks down, molestation, justin supportive of brian, b/j fuck at debbie's, amnesia fic, brian hurt or down a well, justin is brian's first, drew boyd, incest, family: taylor extended (grndprnts etc), author: walmer92, friendship: brian-jen, rape fic, brian says "i love you", b/j encounter homophobes, b/j fight, b/j have nightmares, b/j drunk or stoned

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