Sep 25, 2008 21:32
I am about to be deprived of my internet connection for 2 weeks and I need something to keep me going.
So what I need is some good (preferably long) recommendations that I can save and read off line, the only things I ask are that they are B/J, it's completed, and it has a happy ending (it can hurt along the way but they must end up together).
Please help :)
ETA An Amazing amount of links in the comments. Thanks so much guys :)
author: justvisiting aka visitingagain,
author: allie_quixotic,
author: rizabeau,
author: suzvoy,
author: crazyfairy/crzyundedfairy/joanne,
author: jane2005 aka lady_jane,
novel length,
author: england13,
author: discothequey aka discofabuleux,
author: bdeviled,
author: kimberleyqaf,
author: xie_xie_xie,
author: besame_bj,
author: thyme and sabina,
author: brandnewloser87-carly-_mournthew,
author: alasse (formerly arlad),
author: laciudad aka cara del sol,
author: galedreamer,
author: sydneyalexis,
author: vamphile aka epicallytired,
author: wren_kt7oz,
author: morpheus,
author: severina2001