I'm such a little addict

Sep 22, 2008 09:31

I go to galerandylove but I want even more RPS - I've read most stories there!  snicker - I know some people find RPS awful but I find it pure fun.  Sue me.  Any links?  Sheesh - I love this site!

TY in advance

ETA - there are some great suggs in comments!  I hope to get even more!  Thanks all!

author: ethan aka xhaleslowly, archive: queer eyes, rps, author: we_dreamerz, author: erin/negativeerin/mercury rising, author: tgray, author: triciaqaf, author: xhaleslowly aka ethan, author: msjudi aka phobosgirl, author: catkcrl, author: rhiannonhero aka rhihero_fic, author: darksylvia aka leah claire, archive: qafvault

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