Alternate pairing fics

Aug 22, 2008 14:46

Hey, I hope this is okay to ask here!

Although I'm a total Brian / Justin shipper, I'm in the mood to read some other stuff. XD So...

Does anyone have some good fic recs for Brian / Michael fics that DO NOT include Justin-hate?

Also, I don't even know if this EXISTS, but... are there ANY Justin / Michael fics? (Mostly I'm looking for porn here, not really relationship stuff... I just think it'd be hot, even if it is crack. XD)

Also not too likely, but hey... are there any Brian/Justin/Michael fics? (Again, more looking for porn, not realistic relationship stuff. XD)

The biggest thing for me here is that they not have character-hate in them of any kind. (I mean, sure, Michael could be MAD at Justin, that happens, or visa-versa - but no HATE, you know?)

Any recs would be totally awesome!

Edit: Recs and links in the comments!

author: galesgal/johnnysbiotch/fandomove, pairing: justin/michael, author: theredwepainted (& waterlanding), author: tinkabelle, brian w/ michael & then meets justin, author: pulsefic, pairing: brian/michael, author: trishwish aka trishwish_fic

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