Jun 10, 2008 22:55
I seem to remember a fic (or series maybe) from Gus' POV (he's older - teenager maybe), and he goes skiing with Brian and Justin - no clue on where they went skiing. I remember Justin gets lost and ends up with some random family living at the bottom of the other side of the mountain or something very similar. He may or may not have amnesia. I'm also wanting to say that Gus was with Justin - ooh! ooh! I think it was an avalanche, and Justin was trapped in it. Brian and Gus go home thinking Justin died.
*crosses fingers again*
ETA: See comments for links.
b/j go to vermont,
amnesia fic,
abandoned wip,
b/j in extreme weather/natrl disastr,
gus is a teenager,
author: amtamburo,
author: moonshadow woman aka elsa rose,
justin living in europe,
b/j thinks the other is or may be dead