Brian Fics

Oct 23, 2021 18:19

Okay so I'm looking for 2 different Brian fics and I hope someone can help because so far no one could help last time.

Okay so in the first fic Brian is sick and he doesn't tell anyone but somehow Claire ends up taking care of him.   Now its not Incomplete I just read that and nope it's not that one but it's close.  Brian is sick and Claire is taking care of him at Britin.  Her son is there too, I think they all are living in Britin.   I remember that eventually, Justin does find out because he comes too and then the gang come over to take him out and Brian is like go Justin ur always here with me.    Then Claire's husband is trying to get her kids, cause maybe they both live with Brian?  I don't know seems like he only wanted one and then the other one begged for them to take him in the courtroom.   I hope someone can remember this one cause I've been hurting my brain about it?

Second fic Brian might have been sick again not sure but what I do know is that he and Melanie are becoming friends because Lindsay is losing her mind and is maybe crazy.  I know she kidnaps the kids, or maybe she just kidnaps Gus and he escapes and calls Brian and he's with Melanie and he's inside some kind of park, I hope that rings bells.
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