1. Brian's employee in New York betrays Kinnetik - 2. Kip in a wheelchair

Jan 16, 2019 13:37

1. There are a LOT of stories of Brian opening Kinnetik in NY. The one I'm remembering - and it's only vaugue memories - is where one of the ad execs that Brian has hired somehow betrays Brian and/or Kinnetik. The only scene I recall right now is of an open floor plan office space and Brian finding out. If I recall correctly, the employee wasn't very upset when he was found out. It wasn't Ted (I know there's one like that) and I don't think it was Kip. This could possibly have been the same story where a church is used for Kinnetik, but I'm not sure of that.

2. Seems I recall, again obscurely, a story in which Kip ends up in a wheelchair and becomes a good guy. On the surface. I think it turned out that he was, once again, just being the con man.

I read both of these stories a very long time ago. Someone please help me prove to myself that I didn't just dream them up! Thanks.


EDIT: #1 has been FOUND by ara_kiss and mmmorpheusq. London's "Dancing in the Fire", link in comments. Thank you both! Still looking for #2, if anyone realls this.

gardner vance, author: london, pm/email requester or commenter for copy, download: wayback link in comments, cynthia, not found, friendship: brian-oc

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