BJ with teen girl/s mpreg

Oct 28, 2018 18:44

In the fic Brian and Justin have at least one teen girl But I’m pretty sure it’s two and I think a also a teen boy who may be Gus or in addition to Gus. There’s a scene where the boy is walked in on having sex on the couch in the loft by B/J. Brian and Justin realize there kids are as bad as they where and say something like “now we know where the all the condoms are disappearing too” later their daughter ends up pregnant and the brother quips about making half the school come in for paternity testing. Justin also becomes pregnant around this time and his grand kid end up being born before his youngest.
Despite having all these details I can’t find it help whould be much appreciated

author: lng aka ice_addict, condom mishaps (broken stolen etc), mpreg: pregnant brian, b/j is or has been suicidal, b/j raise a family, b/j are grandparents, justin fathers mel's or linds' child, mpreg: pregnant justin

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