Fics where Justin hides an injury/illness?

Aug 06, 2018 21:51

Hi! So I was wondering if anyone could recommend any fics where Justin hides an injury/illness from Brian and the rest of the gang (or even if he's in some kind of danger and decides to deal with it himself rather than tell anyone). I'd love it if it were a longer fic, and people don't find out for a while.

Hopefully you guys will know some. Thanks! :)

justin has fibromyalgia, brian hurt or down a well, justin doesn't move in with ethan, reunion fic: general, rage party, b/j in the hospital, friendship: justin-emmett, b/j live in another house/city/country, cancer fic: brian, brian helps j recover (bashing/sick/etc), justin attends dartmouth, justin leaves brian, justin hurt or down a well, b/j health scare or issue, author: saturn

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