Teacher fic! J/Older

Mar 25, 2017 21:31

Originally posted by franzferdinannd at Teacher fic! J/Older
Hi! I'm looking for a specific fic in which Justin is older and is Brian's high school teacher(no,it's not the teacher fic by laura and rachel)
I remember that Justin gets kind of upset because Brian won't bottom for him but gets over it for a while until Justin catches Brian bottoming for his swimming coach and breaks up with him.Brian becomes sort of miserable without Justin and after a while sort of begs him to take him back. I think Brian gets in a fight after with a school bully and Justin kinda saves him and then they make up.

FOUND by blklizard
It's Hush by eyessocruel

author: eyessocruel, b/j younger than canon, b/j ages reversed, brian bottoms for someone else (not j), b/j different professions, b/j break up temporarily, teacher!fic, download: personal dl link in comments

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