Justin has twins he didn't know about until Mel shows up.

Jul 19, 2016 00:03

I read a fic a while ago and from what I remember Justin and Brian are at the loft and Mel shows up with Gus and JR in tow. Her and Linds were having issues or Linds had a break down, I think. When Brian and Justin go down to get the kids from the car, Jus sees twin babies in the back and asks Gus about them. He finds out that they're his. Ring a bell anyone? help XD

EDIT: found really quick! Link in comments.

justin has wealthy bf or patron, lindsay has mental breakdown, b/j raise gus and/or jr, daddy fic, justin moves back to pitts from nyc, pairing: justin/other, b/j raise a family, ben sick, protective brian, mel & linds share kids w/ b/j, reunion fic: post-513, justin hurt or down a well, prom deja vu, death fic: minor character, author: julesmonster, justin living in nyc, b/j live at britin, b/j in the hospital, b/j rings/married/wedding/partners, abused justin, justin fathers mel's or linds' child, post-513, justin unsuccessful in nyc

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