SE1 fics where M sets J up for the robbery of B's loft. B believes J about locking the door/alarm

Jun 07, 2016 15:43

Are there any fics set in SE1 or even AU SE1 where Mikey was the one behind Brian's loft broken into, but he allows Brian to lay the blame at Justin's feet only to believe Justin when tells Brian that he did set the alarm and locked the door before he left. Only to have Brian find out later that Michael was trying to set Justin up? I don't know if fics like that were ever written but it never hurts to ask.

Update: Found by balrogtweety Thank you! Name and location in comments. Oh and recs are welcome as always, but not a requirement.

author: hsbfc/ohamelia/emily, b/j pretend relationship/marriage, reunion fic: general, author: bryant maclagan, download: wayback link in comments, download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar, author: hollyilex, author: moonshadow woman aka elsa rose, author: acacia, s-1, anti-michael, abandoned wip, brian fucks michael, au, brian hires pi to watch or find justin, author collaboration, brian calls justin his best friend, justin runs away to nyc, b/j write letters or emails, author: bndjsfaghag15

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