Justin is an art teacher, he has a son named Britin...

Mar 16, 2016 23:11

and his son looks almost exactly like Gus so I'm pretty sure it would be an mpreg. I'm thinking that after his first night with Brian, they went their separate ways and later Justin realized he was pregnant. He never told Brian though. I think Justin left town and returned years later. The 2 boys end up in the same school and become best friends.

I have checked the tags and also the mpreg stories at Midnight Whispers, which is where I'm pretty certain I read it, but haven't had any luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


ETA: FOUND! Thanks to lady_lobo_2007! It's 'Yours' by Britinified. Link is in the comments.

reunion fic: general, daddy fic, gus, mpreg pre-fic only, b/j raise a family, anti-mel and linds, mpreg: pregnant justin, custody fic, brian says "i'm sorry", gus lives w/ brian and justin, gus runs away, author: britinified, mel & linds keep gus away from brian, family gathering, fire fic, justin raising kids, b/j aging: gray hair/glasses/etc, michael has justin crush/obsession, holiday: birthday

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