Feb 16, 2016 01:47
Looking for a fic where Justin is working for Kinnetic. They take on a campaign that turns out to be a record label of Ethan's. One day while working together, Michael walks in on them and assumes the worse. He "tattles" to Brian but Ethan had already called Brian to worn him that Michael might try to start something. That is all I've got and may be blending stories. Any help appreciated!
b/j see ethan post-308,
justin sees chris hobbs,
hurt-comfort fic,
b/j go to therapy (alone or couples),
justin finds out b came to hospital,
b/j fuck raw,
death: original character,
justin hurt or down a well,
b/j health scare or issue,
gus lives w/ brian and justin,
gus runs away,
justin living in nyc,
b/j rings/married/wedding/partners,
author: marilla_pm67 aka luv_sam,
family gathering,
b/j monogamous,
justin does freelance art/ad work,
justin has allergies or asthma,
chris is nice or redeems himself,
justin interns/works at brian's ad agncy,
justin remembers prom,
brian cries or emotionally breaks down,
mel & linds separate or w- others,
b/j live at britin,
justin fathers daphne's child,
b/j in the hospital,
mel defends or bonds w- brian,
brian has custody of gus,
mel gets cancer,
b/j secret relationship/marriage,
justin has panic attack or seizure,
b/j committed & then one cheats,
b/j have nightmares,
b/j drunk or stoned