Brian gets hurt and Justin helps him

Nov 21, 2015 12:50

Hi everyone, i'm looking for a fic I read some time ago where Brian and Justin haven't met yet and Brian faints or gets hurt outside Babylon I think and Justin helps him to get to the hospital and stays with him to see if he's ok.
Justin helps in a shelter but he's a very wealthy man probably because of his ineritance, but Brian thinks that he is poor and lives in the shelter instead, he thinks that Justin is ashamed of his condition.
I already checked the "justin is wealthier than Brian" and "justin is wealth" tags without finding it.
Does anything I wrote rings a bell?

FOUND in record time by willow1965, it's The angel and Mr Kinney by saroco61,

p.s. I edited the link with the new MW website

b/j in car crash or hit by car, brian mistakes j for hustler, brian asks justin to come back or stay, b/j stop drinking or doing drugs, b/j both tops, b/j have scars (physical ones), b/j injured, hunter, justin is wealthier than brian, justin is wealthy, justin supportive of brian, b/j save the other's life, b/j with a trick, brian says "i'm sorry", brian hurt or down a well, anti-michael, b/j change locks/ask for gang's keys, author: saroco61, au, holiday: christmas, b/j in the hospital, friendship: justin-hunter, b/j have nightmares, b/j drunk or stoned

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