B in hospital and J has his poa and access to B's money for bills.

Nov 08, 2015 14:59

I read this story a month ago or so and I can remember that Brian got sick or was in an accident and he landed in the hospital. But him and Justin weren't together as Justin was with that lying prick Ian (not Ian's fan lol). But Justin still had Brian's POA and I don't think he even knew until Mel dropped off all the stuff and Brian's checkbook, so Justin could pay Brian's bills, give the girls money for Gus should they need it. The scenes that I remember the best are when Justin is telling Brian he has a boyfriend, but since Justin spends so much time by Brian's hospital bed Justin and Ethan broke up, so he tells this to Brian. The other one is where Justin is in the Diner and Mikey comes in ranting and raving about how Justin is Justin is taking advantage of Brian, blah, blah blah...Justin tells him that he's just jealous that Brian didn't trust him with his money and that Mikey would just let Justin's tuition go unpaid. Michael leaves pissed off and I think Deb tells Justin that Justin was right and Mikey would do that.

Please help!

Not Found yet!! We're all still looking LOL! Will update this again when it is found XD

Finally Found! I was reading through Rena's Liberty Diner Stories and lo and behold...found the god damn fic we've had a bitch of time looking for! LMAO! It's Love Lost My Mind by Rena. It's in the download folder under the author's name. Thanks for everyone's help even tho I'm sure you all had done stopped looking for this long ago. XD

hurt-comfort fic, download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar, b/j is or has been suicidal, institutionalization, prom, author: rena aka liberty diner, strong justin, brian hurt or down a well, anti-michael, b/j in mental hospital, b/j in the hospital, reunion fic: 308 or post-ethan, pairing: justin/ethan, download: gih fic folder link @sidebar, b/j cutting/self-harm, brian says "i love you"

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