Looking for title Drink You Pretty

Oct 20, 2015 07:40

Wondering if anyone knows if the fic "Drink You Pretty" by FilthyxMind was finished, and if so, is there a link or download for it?. It's a blind!Justin fic and I find both Justin and Brian so likeable in that outofcharacter/incharacter kind of way. LOL.  I found 8 chapters on FF but it's obviously not complete. For some reason I thought I remembered more to it.

Link to what's on FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2512137/1/Drink-You-Pretty

UPDATE:  Apparently this is an abandonded WIP. Sadly. Thanks to those who responded.

author: coming_staying aka filthyxmind, b/j in car crash or hit by car, b/j hold hands, hurt-comfort fic, chris hobbs, author: perhapsx aka coming_staying, protective brian, non-con or dub-con, b/j injured, violence, justin hurt or down a well, b/j blind, b/j go on a date, abandoned wip, au, debbie, justin rejects brian's advances

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