Brian and Ben? are agents and J's in a mental hospital cuz Craig's shady Dr. keeps him there

Sep 29, 2015 20:43

I read a fic a long while ago, where Justin was in a mental hospital and Debbie I think was his nurse. His dad keeps him there cuz he's gay and this doctor refuses to let Justin out cause of the money he gets to keep Justin locked up. If I remember right, Brian and Ben needs his help with a case or something and they more or less sneak him out. Deb or the head nurse makes a comment on how Justin doesn't really need to be there as there was never anything wrong with him. But he's kinda messed up mentally by being locked away for so long. I think Craig was trying to turn Justin straight or something. I checked the tags and couldn't find it, but then I also succeeded in getting lost in the dumb things lol.

FOUND!!!  Thanks to wouldbedorothy for finding it! Link in comments!!

hurt-comfort fic, institutionalization, b/j fuck raw, protective brian, friendship: justin-oc, violence, b/j get shot, b/j different professions, anti-michael, mystery or thriller, author: ashleigh kinnerson, au, b/j in mental hospital, b/j in the hospital, b/j police/private eye/federal agt, debbie, b/j work together, b/j psychic or see the dead, ben, b/j break up temporarily, anti-craig, friendship: brian-ben, b/j have nightmares

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