Aug 04, 2015 21:09
The new story on MW reminded me of another story where Brian wore glasses. The only clear memory of this fic I have is Justin walking into their bedroom and Brian is on the bed reading with his glasses on. Justin says something to him and Brian barely responds. Justin thinks something like, "damn, he's still pissed." The scene ends with them making up.
Such a small detail, I know, but hopefully it jogs someone's memory. I believe it was a post-513 multi-chapter story and they're living at Britin. Brian is probably in his early or mid 40s.
NEW DETAILS: Gus is a teenager, lives with B/J, and has a thing for his music teacher...Ethan, of course. Justin goes to dinner with him as friends and the scene I just described occurred when he got home from the dinner. Justin jokes that he and Ethan fucked.
Found (by me). It was Time Runs Wild by ryosato and inner_justin. Found on Aly's site.
b/j see ethan post-308,
download: aly's fic fldr backup@sidebar,
gus is gay or bi,
author: inner_justin aka nyrak20,
gus lives w/ brian and justin,
author: ryosato,
b/j jealous,
b/j live at britin,
far in the future,
gus is a teenager,
author collaboration,
b/j aging: gray hair/glasses/etc,
author: severina2001,
b/j fight