Jul 27, 2015 16:46
The girls are living in Canada and Michael doesn't visit or call but gets very angry that JR calls Brian Daddy.
Found it's in the comments!!
author: suzvoy,
author: edom56,
daddy fic,
b/j go to canada,
author: rena aka liberty diner,
death: multiple,
b/j fuck raw,
mel & linds share kids w/ b/j,
family: mel-linds-gus-jr,
brian cries or emotionally breaks down,
b/j stay together during/post s5,
brian opens kinnetik branch in nyc,
death fic: minor character,
jenny rebecca/jr,
b/j raise gus and jr,
author: ashleigh kinnerson,
b/j live in nyc,
brian bottoms,
mel defends or bonds w- brian,
justin fathers mel's or linds' child,
friendship: brian-mel